Fine Artist Nashik, Maharastra, India.

From the very beginning of the picture, every good bad experience that has come to this day has become the subject of pictures. Art is such a great platform for me to express my mind which is basically sensitive! Singular-poetry writing, dance, music, formulary. In each of these abstracted art forms, being a young person, and having a child buried within me, helped me become a better Art Practitioner!
I have never really understood that I have fallen in love with Nude, which is basically a tendency towards realistic work. According to others, I do 'Nude' but I think I take pictures of nature! Because I think the human body is one of nature's best inventions. I am constantly drawn to the sensation of a woman touching a more invisible body, its shape, skin color, light and even more invisible mind.
I am looking forward to finding more emotions .. I am also saying that some women are feminists, even so! Along with Nude, I have handled other subjects, including portraits, uplifting sculptures, but not as much love as I have on Nude! Right now, I cannot say whether I will only do nude for the rest of my life, but the thing that spills inside me will be my true art.
- 2010
Chitrakala Mahavidyalay, Kopargav - 2008
G. D. Art
Kalaniketan, Nashik - 2003
Kalaniketan, Nashik
Awards And Achivement
- Amrita Sher-gil Award, National Art contest by Manikarnika Art Gallery, Zansi, Aug 2022.
- Art beats, Maharashtra kala sanman, Pune 2022.
- Best Exhibit Award, EFAC Odisa 6th International online art contest, May 2021.
- 1st Award, Antas 2020 National Art Exhibition & Competition, Kanpur U.P. 2021.
- Best 3rd position, International Art Relay (RICE) phase 2 online art contest, March 2021.
- Silver Medal, 27 ArtPoint 7th National level online contest, Jodhpur Dec. 2020.
- Best Drawing Award, All India level nashik kalaniketan.
Nashik - 2020 - All India level V.V.Oak smriti purskar, Pune - 2020
- Bronz Medal, Sumbraan art foundation national level contest. Pune - 2019
- Nashik kalaniketan's, best entry in Paintings.
2018 - Nirman art foundation, national level unic style painting. 2017
- Prafulla Dahanukar Art foundation Award
2016 - Best Portrait Award, Nasik kalaniketans exhibition.
2014 - 1st Award, The Art society of India.
2011 - 1st Award Shlok, Lokmat, exhibition.
2009-2010 - 1st Award, in Chitrakala Mahawidylay, Nashik.
2009 - Consolation Award, Annual Exhibition Nasik Kalaniketan. 2008-2009
- Merit Cirtificat, At State Art.
2008 - All India level, V.V.Oke Smruti Award Pune.
2007-2008 - 3rd Award, on the spot portrait competition Nasik.
2008 - Team Award, On Rotari Club of Dombiwli.
2007 - All India level, V.V.Oke Smruti Award pune.